AFRM Next Earnings Date image   This AFRM next earnings date page last updated 2/10/2025
AFRM Next Earnings Date:5/7/2025
8:00 AM
(Projected earnings date)
Earnings Period:Q3 2025
Earnings Estimate:-0.180/share
Revenue Estimate:0.77B
Prior Q3 Earnings:-0.430/share
Prior Q3 Revenue:0.58B
Comparative Importance of AFRM Next Earnings Date to the Market:

Next earnings date relative importance comparison
Next earnings date indicator AFRM

★★★★ Based on fundamental factors like AFRM's market capitalization, relative importance within their peer group, past earnings results, and prominence within stock market news coverage, we rate AFRM's next earnings date importance as 4 out of 5 stars.

Also see: AFRM Earnings History
PeriodEarnings DateEarnings
Q2 20252/6/20250.230
Q1 202511/7/2024-0.310
Q4 20248/28/2024-0.140
Q3 20245/8/2024-0.430
Q2 20242/8/2024-0.540

Next Earnings Date Calendar:

Loews (L): 2/10/2025 6:00 AM
Edgewell Personal Care (EPC): 2/10/2025 6:00 AM
McDonald's (MCD): 2/10/2025 7:00 AM
Rockwell Automation (ROK): 2/10/2025 7:00 AM
Incyte (INCY): 2/10/2025 7:00 AM
Roivant Sciences (ROIV): 2/10/2025 7:00 AM
Macerich (MAC): 2/10/2025 7:00 AM
PowerFleet (AIOT): 2/10/2025 7:00 AM
Hain Celestial Group (HAIN): 2/10/2025 7:00 AM
ON Semiconductor (ON): 2/10/2025 8:00 AM

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Earnings History:

Wrap Technologies (WRAP): 2/8/2025 After close
Northfield Bancorp (NFBK): 2/7/2025 7:00 PM
Mexco Energy (MXC): 2/7/2025 After close
Friedman Industries (FRD): 2/7/2025 After close
VOXX International (VOXX): 2/7/2025 After close
Luna Innovations (LUNA): 2/7/2025 After close
Byrna Technologies (BYRN): 2/7/2025 8:00 AM
Frontier Group Holdings (ULCC): 2/7/2025 8:00 AM
White Mountains Insurance (WTM): 2/7/2025 8:00 AM
Cboe Global Markets (CBOE): 2/7/2025 7:30 AM

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AFRM Next Earnings Date FAQ

When is the AFRM next earnings date?
I am following Affirm Holdings, under stock symbol AFRM, and I would like to know when is their next earnings date expected to be?

✔️Accepted answer: The next projected earnings date for AFRM is 5/7/2025 8:00 am (stay tuned for a confirmed earnings date once announced).

  Suggested answer: Are you looking to know which fiscal year and quarter will be reported at the next AFRM earnings date? If so, it will be Q3 2025.

  Suggested answer: The AFRM next earnings report will be compared against the prior year Q3 earnings of -0.430/share on 0.58B of revenue.

How much is AFRM expected to earn at the next report?
When Affirm Holdings has their next earnings report, what are people expecting as far as their earnings?

✔️Accepted answer: Based on the data we get, analysts are looking for -0.180/share out of AFRM at next report with top line of 0.77B.

On this page we presented the AFRM Next Earnings Date information for Affirm Holdings along with recent past earnings dates. For Q2 of 2025, AFRM reported earnings of 0.230/share, with the earnings report taking place on 2/6/2025. For Q1 of 2025, AFRM reported earnings of -0.310/share, with the earnings report taking place on 11/7/2024. For Q4 of 2024, AFRM reported earnings of -0.140/share, with the earnings report taking place on 8/28/2024. For Q3 of 2024, AFRM reported earnings of -0.430/share, with the earnings report taking place on 5/8/2024. For Q2 of 2024, AFRM reported earnings of -0.540/share, with the earnings report taking place on 2/8/2024. Based on these past earnings dates, the projected next earnings date for AFRM is 5/7/2025 8:00 am.

Any self directed investor who desires to keep tabs on the companies they own, can benefit from maintaining a calendar of next earnings dates for each stock in their porfolio, such as Affirm Holdings. When a company files its 10Q's with the SEC a mere four times a year, that certainly puts a lot of pressure on those four out of three hundred sixty five days! To say that earnings reports are important to Affirm Holdings shareholders would thus be an understatement! That's why we started the website, to make it easy for self directed investors to research Affirm Holdings next earnings dates as well as any other stock out there in our coverage universe, to see when the next AFRM earnings date — or any other stock — falls on the calendar. But we also present considerably more than just the next earnings date information alone, so we encourage you to explore the additional pages linked above to look up AFRM's past earnings as well, with pages for revenue and earnings history data, as well as earnings surprises as well. Thanks for visiting, and we hope you'll think of our site the next time you need to learn about the AFRM next earnings date.

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